​The Wandsworth Planning Applications Committee refused the proposal for the mixed-use student tower in Battersea for several key reasons.

Firstly, the proposed development’s height was deemed excessive compared to the existing scheme. The buildings, ranging from 12 to 22 storeys, were considered too tall, leading to concerns about their impact on the surrounding area. This increase in height was seen as detrimental to the character and scale of the neighbourhood.

Another significant concern was the impact on neighbouring properties, particularly the Peabody site. The increased height and proximity of the new buildings were expected to result in a loss of amenity and outlook for adjacent blocks. The proposal was criticized for potentially causing overlooking issues and reducing privacy for existing gardens and amenity spaces. The overbearing nature of the development was seen as negatively affecting the quality of life for residents in nearby homes.

Additionally, the change in land use from predominantly residential to a focus on student accommodation was a point of contention. The committee highlighted the imbalance between the need for housing, especially affordable housing, and the proposed emphasis on student accommodation. Given the local demand for residential units, the committee felt that the proposal did not adequately address the community’s housing needs.

These factors, combined with the applicant’s decision to lodge an appeal due to non-determination, led the committee to conclude that the proposal was not suitable for the site. The appeal process shifted the decision-making responsibility to the Planning Inspectorate, but the committee’s stance was clear in its refusal based on these outlined concerns.

The applicant is the Watkins Jones Group. WJG is the UK’s leading developer of ‘residential for rent’ and is a very experienced developer and operator of purpose-built student accommodation. WJG has delivered over 48,000 student beds across 135 sites schemes across the UK, including several developments in London, including at Elephant and Castle, Stockwell and Stratford.  Almost all projects are commenced on site within six months of the grant of planning permission.


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