The Duke of Northumberland’s appeal regarding the second attempt to build housing on the site of the Park Road Allotments is underway from August 1 for four days, with a final wrap-up session on Monday, September 11 2023.
The appointed Inspector is John Longmuir BA(Hons) DipUD MRTPI.
The appeal was lodged by the Duke for a planning application submitted on December 8, 2020, for the “erection of 80 residential dwellings, concierge building, car and cycle parking, landscaping and associated works; and infrastructure and other structures associated with allotment use”, which was refused by the council on October 22 2023 with one reason for refusal regarding the loss of Local Open Space.
This was the second attempt by the Duke to build on the land following the expiration of the 100-year lease in 2015. The council refused the previous attempt, which the inspectorate upheld in 2018.
The proposal has hit the headlines in many national newspapers calling the objections a “peasants revolt”. The discussion and presentation will hear those objections and from the appellant, the Duke, the right of a landowner to do what he wants with his land.
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