The implementation of Dukes Meadows masterplan focusing on improving the public realm and encouraging safe cycling and pedestrian use has continued over recent weeks, with workers on-site adhering to government guidance on social distancing. Verges have been tidied up, overhanging vegetation cut back, drainage improved and over 5.5km of yellow lines have been painted to make it clear where parking is or isn’t permitted.
Further work starting this week will include the installation of ’bodpave’ – permeable hard standing which allows grass to grow through it – parking bays on the northern side of the promenade. These will be fenced off for several weeks to allow the grass seed to grow through. Additional facilities for cycle parking are also being explored.
The Dukes Meadows masterplan has attracted a high level of external funding and improved the site since consultation and planning consent was given in February 2018. Over £1m has been secured for the development of a pedestrian bridge that will further increase the opportunities for pedestrians and cyclists to use the site. Though the main objective of the bridge is to facilitate a safe and inviting route along the Thames Path, the bridge aligns with Hounslow commitments for a cleaner, greener borough and a contribution towards a modern and more sustainable transport network. As well as creating wider transport links, the bridge will encourage more sustainable access to this great asset for residents.
Cllr Samia Chaudhary, Cabinet Member for Leisure Services, said: “It is fantastic we have managed to carry on our ambitious investment programme into Dukes Meadows park even during this difficult time. The teams have done a great job tidying up the verges, trimming back vegetation and formalising the parking spaces. Undertaking this work at a time when people are making fewer trips by car will give the maximum chance of the planting to establishing itself in these parking areas.”
Councillor Steve Curran, Leader of Hounslow Council said “I am very pleased with the masterplan which has been developed over several years and that we are now seeing tangible improvements at Dukes Meadows. One example is the investment by the RFU along with Chiswick Rugby Club for the installation of a new artificial pitch with floodlights. We have also received significant funding from charities like The London Marathon Charitable Trust.
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