Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) has launched a public consultation on a new road classification for Cambridge.

The consultation is about the way that people and vehicles move around the city. It will consider how roads and streets are classified based on the type of vehicles and traffic that they are used by in the future, and could change the categorisation of roads in the city.

A new classification could see space on the roads be freed up for more frequent and reliable public transport. It could also create a safer and more attractive environment for people walking, cycling or using other methods of active travel.

There are six proposed classifications of road. Different means of transport, whether motorised or active, would have different degrees of access to them.

Full details can be found in the Road Classification brochure, which can be found here.

Public meetings where people can share their views are also being held both online and in-person; full details and a timetable can be found on their website.

A new road classification for the city would take several years to put in place and it would need to be brought in through a number of stages.

The feedback from this consultation will be passed to the GCP executive board and then Cambridgeshire County Council’s highways and transport committee, which will decide on the next steps to be taken.

The consultation closes at midday on Monday, July 18 2022.

Image source: GCP

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