​Hammersmith and Fulham have approved the demolition of light industrial units and replacement with an 81-bedroom specialist care home at 160-164, Hurlingham Road, Fulham.

The proposal was for the demolition of the existing light industrial buildings, with the exception of the facade to 160 Hurlingham Road, and the erection of a part-four, part-five storey building, to provide a care home, together with cycle parking, refuse storage, landscaping and associated works.

The care home will specialise in looking after people with dementia providing 24/7 specialist care. It is expected to free up 81 local family homes and up to 20 per annum. The care home will also create 90 jobs and create a cost saving of circa £6.3m on local services.

A small amount , six per cent of the accommodation will be affordable which is a positive since there is no requirement for the residential level of affordable homes in this type of building.

The reduction in carbon emissions was seen as disappointing at 18 per cent given the boroughs stated climate crisis and move to net zero.

Approval was given despite these shortcomings.

Hunters were the architects of the scheme.


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