Hounslow Council’s Cabinet has taken a vital step towards delivering 209 new homes at Charlton House, Albany House, and Osier Court in Brentford. 

The regeneration of Charlton House and Albany House is the flagship scheme of the Council’s Estate Regeneration Programme. It will deliver highly sustainable, affordable homes and vital improvements to the local neighbourhood and retail space. The site will set the benchmark for future development in the borough.  

The new high-quality, sustainable homes, 20 of which will be wheelchair accessible and will consist of a mixture of one to four bedrooms. Energy efficiency is at the heart of the design, helping to reduce energy bills and limit the environmental impact, with a target of net zero operational carbon. 

Hounslow Cabinet agreed to the first stages of redevelopment by appointing a contractor to undertake pre-construction works, including working in partnership with the council on detailed design and preparation for the eventual demolition of the estate. The council carefully considered various options to ensure the best value for money could be achieved while continuing to deliver the proposed design quality and sustainability. 

Early Contractor engagement during the pre-construction stage will ensure the designs are market-tested, efficient, and deliver value for money while achieving the council’s aspirations for design quality and suitability. 

Councillor Tom Bruce, cabinet member for Regeneration and Development at Hounslow Council, said:  

“The regeneration of this estate is a top priority for Hounslow Council. Residents overwhelming back the scheme, and we have a robust strategy to make the regeneration of this estate a reality.  

“Despite rising inflation and construction costs, we have put in place concise plans to ensure we remain committed to making this happen and ensuring we deliver high-quality, affordable homes for Hounslow residents. 

“It will be another fantastic addition to Brentford where the wider regeneration of the town centre is finally coming to life. It’s exciting to see a host of new businesses coming to the borough for the first time, which every resident can enjoy.  

“It’s important that every new development across the borough helps towards our ambitions for creating a thriving, greener, safer and healthier place to live, play, work and study for the whole community.” 

To keep the disruption to a minimum and the community together for as long as possible, residents will be moved out as close to the start of the building works as possible. Many residents can move into the council’s brand-new development on the High Street in Brentford: Sonnet House, Hamlet House and Tintern House. Residents attended an open day on 21 October to view the new homes. Some residents have chosen to move elsewhere in the borough and have the right to return to a new home on the regenerated estate. 



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