A remarkable day, exploring some of the key developments and issues in Slough, has been put on by UK Property Forums.

Our UK Prop Social – Re-imagining Slough – on Tuesday, April 30, in conjunction with Edgingtons Architects and Plus X Innovation, includes tours of the Horlicks Quarter and the Plus X Innovation space at The Future Works (pictured) and features a host of presentations from varied experts and leading industry figures from both public and private sectors.

The full programme includes:

9.30am – The Horlicks Quarter walkabout

10.30am – Morning coffee in the Plus X Innovation space

11am – The Power of Placemaking – a look into how placemaking and the power of a brand can define places and help places to thrive. Moderated by UK Property Forums managing director Matthew Battle, the session involves the following speakers:

  • Sameer Hosany, head of department & professor of marketing in the School of Business Management, Royal Holloway University of London
  • David Minnis, director, Edgingtons Architects

This is followed by a panel debate with:

  • Pay Hayes, executive director of housing & property for Slough Borough Council
  • Jo Jackson, director – Thames Valley, SEGRO
  • Caroline McHardy, development director, Berkeley Homes (Oxford+Chiltern)

11.45am – Vineet Vijh, founder & director, Slough Hub will present.

12.15pm Occupier demand re-imagined by a representative from Plus X Innovation with guests to be announced.

12.35pm – Networking lunch

1.30pm – Tour of the Plus X Innovation space

Mr Battle said: “This is one of the most varied UK Proper Socials we have put on. It’s a really significant day and involves truly wide-ranging issues and speakers.

“By starting with the Horlicks Quarter tour, we set the scene for the incredible imagination developers are demonstrating in Slough. That development alone illustrates so many features of how the town is being re-imagined for the future.

“Our speakers and panellists include both significant local stakeholders and external experts. Along with networking, the opportunities this event offers make it a very worthwhile occasion for anyone with an interest in the property world in Slough.”

Visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/re-imagining-slough-tickets-852102811447?aff=oddtdtcreator

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