City Group Pubs have submitted planning permission and listed building consent for Onslow Hall, Little Green, Richmond, to turn offices into a boutique hotel.

The proposal is for the change of use of the part basement, first, second and third floors from offices to hotel use to create 20 bedrooms; external alterations comprising the installation of a wheelchair-accessible lift and modifications to the side entrance, new and replacement plant and attenuation; internal alterations throughout the building on all floors in association with the conversion of the building to restaurant/brasserie with hotel bedrooms above.

Hotel guests will arrive at the same host/reception entrance area as the restaurant, where a staff member will greet them and check them in. Breakfast and other meals will be served in the main restaurant area. The hotel will be serviced from the basement and the areas supporting the ground-floor restaurant. The primary purpose of the brasserie offer (and associated ancillary facilities) is to serve visiting members of the public.  

The building, established in 1853, has been used as offices by Barclays Bank, is partially empty, and has been on the market for eight years. The building has been altered to accommodate offices in 1969 and 1987.

The residents nearby have objected to the proposals, quoting the impact on traffic and noise and some graphic examples of existing anti-social behaviour on Richmond Green.

The planning agents are Walsingham Planning, and the architects are Kirk + Nolan.



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