Trebor Developments have reached practical completion at its Lightning Park scheme in Huntingdon.

The development comprises two units; one of 126,689 sq ft, which was pre let to DHL International (UK) prior to start on site, and one of 32,638 sq ft, named Lightning 32, was developed speculatively and is now ready for occupation.

Lightning Park is built to an enhanced specification with various sustainable initiatives, including its own lake for staff wellbeing, and has achieved EPC “A”.

Greg Dalton, development director for Trebor said: “We’re delighted to have achieved practical completion on another important scheme for the local area, and at the same time welcoming DHL to the scheme with whom we worked closely to ensure the building meets their exact requirement.

“Lightning 32 provides much needed new build accommodation for local occupiers, and we would welcome further discussions with interested parties.”

The available apace is being jointly marketed by Bidwells and Savills. 

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