Permission has been granted to develop a vacant retail park in Basingstoke into seven warehouse units.

BGO Baronet Propco and Equation Properties have secured consent to demolish Brighton Hill retail park in Winchester Road and replace it with Radius Park, two industrial buildings, one of four units and one of three, within use class E(g)(iii) (flexible commercial), B2 (general industrial) and B8 (storage & distribution).

Total floorspace of the proposed scheme is 147,598 sq ft, with units ranging from 10,331 sq ft to 29,202 sq ft. It will have 147 parking spaces, with 22 of those having EV chargers.

A market report by Avison Young and BDT states that most of the recent industrial schemes in the Basingstoke area have been mid-box range (30,000 sq ft – 100,000 sq ft) and that the supply of smaller units remains constrained.

The report concludes: “The proposed scheme’s prominence, flexibility and unit sizes would address the need for new unit development of this type and we believe would attract interest from both local and regional occupiers.”

A McDonald’s drive-thru on the site will remain under the proposed scheme.

The team on the project includes UMC Architects on design, Quod on planning and mode on transport.

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