Ipswich Council’s carbon-neutral depot is set to be in operation by the start 2025, progressing the Council’s net-zero ambitions by 2030.

An update report to executives on July 11 advised that the new carbon-neutral depot is due for completion by January 2025.

The new building is being planned to BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ rating requirements for environmental sustainability and plays a big part in supporting the Council’s carbon-neutral ambitions by 2030.

The new Carbon Neutral depot is set to minimise energy and water usage through its design, generate its own power through solar panels and wind turbines, enable the whole Council vehicle fleet to be electric vehicles or use sustainable fuels and reduce vehicle travelling between satellite storage sites by rationalising storage, meaning current smaller storage sites elsewhere can be re-let or redeveloped.

The depot, located at New Way, off Hadleigh Road, will provide a home for the council’s refuse and recycling, street cleansing and housing maintenance teams.

Councillor Phil Smart, Ipswich Borough Council portfolio holder for environment and climate change, said: “The carbon- neutral New Way depot is key to achieving our net-zero target. Environmental sustainability is vital, and this new depot will enable the Council to continue meeting the borough’s refuse, recycling, and council housing maintenance needs for decades to come, in a sustainable, efficient, and environmentally friendly way.”

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