Plans for up to 130 homes on the edge of Overton near Basingstoke have been revealed in a screening request.

Tetra Tech has applied to Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council on behalf of Bargate Homes to ask if an environmental impact assessment is needed for plans to develop 19.2 hectares of agricultural land along Sheep Fair Lane.

New access off Sapley Lane will be proposed in the forthcoming outline planning application.

The L-shaped site, an approximate 20-minute walk from the centre of Overton and visible as the four straw-coloured fields in the Google image above, has been promoted for housing-led development of up to 140 homes within the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA), published in December 2023.

Two previous applications, each for 75 homes, have failed at the site. One, submitted in 2020, was refused while another, submitted in 2021 was withdrawn.

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