Trentworth Properties has resubmitted Ransome’s Wharf plans to Wandsworth Council in June 2024.

In 2015, planning permission was granted for the delivery of high-quality, private, and affordable apartments, flexible commercial space, and significant public realm improvements, bringing the now vacant site back into use.

The scheme was implemented in 2018. Before commencing work, Trentworth is making some minor design amendments to respond to recent changes in the National Building Regulations and sustainability policies, which require planning consent.

Benefits of the scheme:

  • 118 (increased to 125) new homes, including both private and affordable housing
  • High-quality aspect residential apartments with a large percentage of family-sized dwellings
  • 2,282sqm of flexible commercial floorspace
  • 103 parking spaces in total, 12 designated for use by disabled drivers with electric vehicle charging points
  • Two car club spaces
  • 240 bicycle storage spaces
  • Creation of a large, flexible public piazza capable of accommodating several different uses and events
  • Modern ‘play on the go’ children’s play equipment comprising temporary and permanent interactive objects as part of the overall landscape design

Trentworth has been working to bring the scheme forward and reviewing the consented plans with their design team to ensure the design complies with current building regulations relating to fire and sustainability. They are seeking to make some minor amendments to the approved plans, which will see:

  • Changes to the internal space will accommodate a larger central core and ensure the buildings comply with new fire safety regulations on staircases.
  • Seven additional homes were added within the existing footprint of the consented plans, achieved by reconfiguring the internal layout to provide some smaller, more affordable apartments within the scheme. This will better meet the local demand for homes, increasing the number of family homes provided.
  • A revised energy strategy will include an air source heat pump, making the scheme greener and more sustainable.
  • Five of the eight blocks will be reduced in height and massing overall, with a modest increase in height to the remaining three in the northwest of the site, to accommodate a larger central core and add more plant equipment to the basement due to the air source heat pumps.
  • A reduction in the amount of commercial space provided in the scheme. This is due to reconfiguring the internal layout to accommodate a larger central core and adding more plant equipment to the basement.
  • Access and servicing remain the same as the permitted scheme.
  • A reduction in car parking spaces.

The architects are MSMR Architects, and the agent is Savills.


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