Richmond Council celebrates the successful renovation of a historic building in Richmond town centre as part of its commitment to reviving neglected spaces and preserving the borough’s unique heritage.

The old print shop on King Street, which dates back to the 1830s, designated as a ‘Building of Townscape Merit’ within the Richmond Riverside Conservation Area, garnered concern from residents due to broken windows, a damaged roof, and structural faults. The Council’s Planning Enforcement team, despite challenges posed by overseas ownership, invoked its powers under section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to address the issues and uphold the aesthetic standards of the local landscape.

Councillor Julia Neden Watts, deputy leader of the Council, said: “We have a shared responsibility in maintaining the quality of public spaces. Neglect has consequences, and the revitalisation of this historic building signifies our commitment to taking necessary actions to ensure our borough remains vibrant, thriving, and respectful of its heritage.”

The Section 215 notice, which mandated substantial improvements, including the restoration of windows, frames, doors, downpipes, gutters and roof, was issued in September 2021, with the owners given until February 2022 to make the necessary works to avoid prosecution. Successful negotiations prompted repair works and a planning permission application for the roof replacement.

The building is not currently in use, and the owners are considering further planning applications to bring it back into use.



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