The £750 million mixed-use Cambridge North scheme has been approved by Secretary of State Michael Gove.

The development of almost 600,000 sq ft of flexible offices and labs along with 425 homes on 17 hectares of former railway sidings went to appeal after South Cambridgeshire District Council’s failure to determine the Chesterton Partnership’s plan in the allocated timeframe.

The development partnership, involving Network Rail, DB Cargo and Brookgate, used architects Acme and Make.

Bidwells launched the appeal and provided evidence on planning, housing and Build-to-Rent supply, market employment dynamics, and retail.

The decision noted the Inspector’s conclusion that the scheme would comply with the Government’s vision for Cambridge 2040 and highlighted the ‘number of economic, environmental and social’ benefits it would bring to North Cambridge and the wider region. That included meeting a shortfall of research and development office and lab space in Cambridge.

The decision noted: “The Inspector states that great weight should be assigned to economic benefits. In accordance with paragraph 85 of the Framework, the Secretary of State assigns significant weight to economic growth and productivity benefits, and driving innovation.”

Mike Derbyshire, head of planning for Bidwells, said: “Bidwells is delighted to have played an instrumental role in this milestone success for both Cambridge and the UK at large.

“This genuinely transformative development will bring tangible economic, environmental, and social benefits to the region through the provision of much-needed, high quality office and lab space to support Cambridge’s world leading knowledge industry.

“It is a genuine mixed-use development with 425 residential units of which 60 per cent will be BTR along with flexible community uses and high quality public realm.

“Crucially, the decision now provides clarity on the water supply issues that has stalled a number of major commercial and residential schemes in the city.

“It is heartening to see the Government support its vision for Cambridge 2040 in a meaningful way. This kind of conviction is needed if we are truly serious about fulfilling Cambridge and Britain’s full potential as a scientific superpower.”

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