Richmond Planning Department approved new ventilation for the proposed Ottolenghi Restaurant on Hill Street Richmond on the same day as the licensing hearing.

In the face of vociferous opposition, the Richmond Council Licensing Committee heard the case for granting the license to sell alcohol at the proposed premises on Hill Street. The objectors, mainly residents in the flats above, had many objections relating to noise, deliveries and opening hours.

The meeting heard that the planning permission had been granted for a new ventilation system to be installed at the location earlier that day, to the dismay of the objectors.

The council members highlighted that the decision to approve the ventilation was through a different process and set of rules and would not depend on the outcome of the licensing committee, as a café could open without licensing approval.

The approval for the ventilation had been given for neighbourhood consultation between the 20th and 26th of December, 2023.

Ottolenghi had adapted their application based on feedback, and some objectors withdrew their concerns.

The inclusion of Ottenlenghi in Richmond Centre adds to a growing number of popular restaurants found in Richmond.


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