Wandsworth Council Planning Committee has approved three variations of conditions for the Riverside Business Centre, SW18.

The original proposal approved in 2022 will see the following amendments:

  • Amendments to the Courtyard Buildings (Blocks B, C, D, E, F) comprising the relocation of principal accesses, raising of central courtyard Finish Floor Levels, and removal of ramps / balustrades at ground floor level.
  • Omission of basements to Blocks B, D and E-F, removal of 7-storey glass atrium and internal bridge links joining Blocks B-C and E-F.
  • Amendments to the Riverside Buildings (Blocks G, H, I) comprising the relocation of principal accesses, amendments to Block H basement, amendments to roof gardens and addition of commercial bin store

The original proposal was for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of five buildings ranging from ground plus four (with double height ground floor) to ground plus eight storeys with basement to provide 21,403sqm flexible light industrial, storage and distribution floorspace, 678sqm flexible non-residential institutions and assembly and leisure space use, 402 residential units, two new streets linking Haldane Place and Bendon Valley, car and cycle parking and associated public realm enhancements comprising detailed landscaping, communal amenity space and a new Wandle Riverside Walk.

The amendments sought under this application are necessary to ensure the proposed buildings comply with several critical building regulations and legislative updates which have arisen since planning permission was granted in September 2022.

These include:

• Means of Escape Regulations.

• Fire Regulations, including forthcoming BS9991 legislation, including the requirement for second staircases, smoke extract vents, air pressure vents, and closed plan flat layouts.

• Energy Regulations and Building Regulations (June 2023).

The applicant is Taylor Wimpey, and the architects are KHA Architects.


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