Lanpro has secured planning permission to redevelop the Royal Court Hotel into 15 residential flats and a café. The hotel has been unused for more than a decade and Lanpro claims the development will provide ‘a high-quality mixed-use scheme’ that is targeted towards accommodating employees in Lowestoft’s growing offshore renewables and nuclear energy markets.

Whilst the scheme is targeting these workers as potential residents, the development has also been designed to stand up on its own as a housing-led mixed-use development.

Ian Douglass, Lanpro’s Head of Planning, said, “Our planning and design teams worked collaboratively with Planning Officers, and responded to matters raised by Members of the Planning Committee, to achieve this permission which will see the regeneration of the site. As a company, we are heavily involved in the renewable energy sector, including on some significant solar farm schemes, but it is good to be involved in some of these smaller projects which will ultimately support growth in that sector.”

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