Plans to demolish six buildings on Slough Trading Estate and replace them with two data centres go before councillors on Wednesday (May 29) with a recommendation for approval.

Slough Borough Council’s planning committee will consider SEGRO’s hybrid application to demolish 188, 190 and 200 Bath Road for a 324,306 sq ft data centre (to be known as 200 Bath Road) and demolish 208, 210 and 216 Bath Road for a data centre of 534,966 sq ft (to be known as 210 Bath Road).

The latter proposed data centre will be subject to a reserved matters application later.

The proposal means 329,006 sq ft of empty space will be demolished and replaced by 859,272 sq ft of data centres.

The centre at 200 Bath Road will have two wings, separated by a central area and a service area. There will be 11 circular canopies over the car park with green roofs on top. There will be office space and a substation, both with green roofs. Some existing parking will be retained.

The centre at 210 Bath Road will have an area in the centre of the site which can be developed as data halls with associated internal ancillary and circulation spaces. Office space is included and there will be space for a substation with an option for a multi-storey car park.

A breakdown of the current state of the buildings shows all former occupiers – Unatrac, Ipsen, Blackberry UCB (two of the buildings) and Black & Decker – have moved and mostly downsized.

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