Iceni Projects, acting as agents, submitted plans for the residential redevelopment of a redundant part of the former Southall College site on Beaconsfield Road, Southall on the 20th January 2021. The site has been designated as a development site in the adopted local development plan, and it falls within an opportunity area identified by the Southall Opportunity Planning Framework.

The application proposes demolition and redevelopment of a former college building and car park to provide 118 residential units within a structure of 7 storeys. The development would be mostly car-free, with only four accessible parking spaces, but will provide 202 cycle parking spaces. The developer will provide communal amenity space and play areas within the site. 35% of all residential units by habitable rooms would be affordable, with a tenure split of 64% social rent and 36% Shared Ownership by units and 68%/32% by habitable rooms. These will include five x 3 bedroom affordable rented dwellings suitable for family accommodation.

The recommendation was to grant permission with conditions subject to completion of an S106 agreement and conditions of consent. This permission would also be subject to a Community Infrastructure Levy payment to the Greater London Authority (GLA).

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