Brent Council’s Cabinet has approved the draft Staples Corner Growth Area Masterplan and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SCGA Masterplan SPD) (28 May 2024) for statutory consultation.

Brent’s Local Plan (2019-2041) was adopted in February 2022. The plan sets out the vision and policies for development in the borough for the next ten years, which includes the delivery of 23,250 new homes from 2019/20 to 2028/29. Key to accommodating an increasing population are eight growth areas, viewed as the most sustainable areas to accommodate growth, exploiting brownfield land, enabling higher densities, and with good access to public transport, to deliver the majority of new homes alongside regeneration benefits and infrastructure.

The Local Plan allocates Staples Corner as a growth area. The plan states that in addition to around 2,200 homes, the area will greatly boost business and employment opportunities through intensified industrial use.

Alice Lester, corporate director for neighbourhoods & regeneration at Brent Council, said: “We have ambitious plans to transform Staples Corner into a new mixed-use community. Considerable consultation has already been carried out to get the master plan to this stage. We are now inviting local people to have another say on our plans through this consultation. It’s essential that you use this opportunity to share your views.”

The six-week consultation will run from 4 June 2024 to 16 July 2024.


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