Kingston Planning Committee unanimously approved the proposal to demolish the existing units and replace them with two new commercial units at the Typhoon Business Centre, Oakcroft Road, Chessington, KT9 1RH.

The application site occupies 0.41 ha and comprises a two-storey building currently used for office and warehousing purposes. An associated car park is located to the front and rear of the site, comprising 46 parking spaces. A service yard is located to the rear, which provides two-level access doors.

 The application seeks full planning permission for the demolition of the existing building and redevelopment of the site to provide two new units for commercial purposes, plus ancillary offices and associated parking, servicing, and landscaping.

The committee emphasised the importance of the conditions and information relating to biodiversity gains and net zero improvements, noting the developer’s requirement to deliver them.

The developer is Sackville Property III (GP) No.3 Ltd, and the architects are RPS.


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