With revised plans, Apache Capital is consulting on redeveloping the Canbury Road Site in Kingston. 

The Canbury Road Site is near the Kingston railway station and the former Hawker aircraft production factory. The site also has some historical significance, as German bombs hit it during the Second World War.

The revised proposal by Apache Capital aims to reduce the impact of the development on the existing neighbourhood and the environment while still providing some benefits, such as new homes, improved public spaces, and better connectivity. Some of the changes include:

  • They are reducing heights, with the tallest point reducing from 19 storeys to 15 storeys.
  • They are breaking up the mass into smaller blocks with varying heights.
  • They are reducing the number of homes from 389 to around 265, including private and affordable rented homes.
  • They are increasing the proportion of 3-bed homes from 10 per cent to 15 per cent.
  • Retaining three existing trees near the junction of Sopwith Way and Seven Kings Way
  • They are no longer proposing the redevelopment of the existing terrace at 13-43 Richmond Road, which will be excluded from the application site.

The redevelopment will deliver the replacement of the existing car-dominated environment with the closure of Kingsgate Road to vehicular traffic and the closure of the car park, a more pedestrian and cyclist-friendly environment and a new public open space and public realm improvements, with around 50 per cent of the site publicly accessible.



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