UK Property Forums has a new look from today.

In the past we worked across six websites but now we can announce the launch of our new site which we hope will improve the experience for our readers and members. It brings together all our previous sites.

Here’s what’s new:

London West – A new information service which will cover the London boroughs to the west of the capital. In time we shall produce a newsletter but, for now, we will populate the site and work with new partners.

Website is king – We appreciate that, for many of our readers, we only produce the newsletters, Thames Tap and Eastern Echo. However, from today our new look website is a one-stop-shop for news, views events and, in future, far more.

Visibility – We want to create a platform for our readers to be able to promote and showcase their skills. The new design provides opportunities for us to enable this and we expect it to be an area that will grow. Please make contact if you would like to promote your business brand and reputation. Competitive packages are available.

Comment – We are keen to hear your views and would encourage you to comment in the space provided after each News and Views post.

Events – Last year we held over 25 events across the region and 2020 looks as though it will prove pretty similar. The new site means that, in time, you will be able to access all of our events using the EventBrite booking system.

Members – Our membership has grown to 150+ and we are aware that we need a better medium to offer information about events they support.

New brand – UK Property Forums has come a long way since its humble beginnings in 2004. To reflect this evolution we have designed a new brand which will act as an umbrella for our news, events and research work.

We hope you enjoy the site. It will not be perfect from day one, given the number of moving parts we are consolidating into a single platform, so please bear with us as we enter a brave new world.  

Thank you for your support.

You can contact us at info@ukpropertyforums.comÂ