Three residential schemes totalling 199 new homes have been  approved for Bracknell.

Bracknell Forest Council’s planning committee voted through the schemes at its August 15 meeting.

They include:

  • Redrow Homes and Persimmon Homes’ plans for 119 homes on land south of the A329M, east of Vigar Way (pictured). It will consist of four apartment blocks and 12 houses. A primary school, neighbourhood centre, and recreation facilities will also be built alongside the new homes.
  • Vanderbilt Strategic’s plans for 42 homes within the grounds of a house called White Gates in Winkfield Row. The application was first received in 2019 but had been reported back to the planning committee because developers were unable to secure the provision of a pedestrian and cycle access.
  • Bloor Homes’ plans for 38 homes at the junction of Wood Lane and Forest Road at Binfield. The original plan was for 40 properties.

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