Public consultation is under way over improving town centres in Bletchley and Fenny Stratford.

Following previous engagement, Milton Keynes City Council is proposing upgrades to deliver more accessible pedestrian crossing, new street furniture, planting and public spaces designed to attract more people to the town centres.

The project is part of the £22.7 million Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Deal. Improvements are planned for Queensway and Aylesbury Street as well as works taking place in Saxon Street to create an accessible gateway into the town centre.

The consultation is now open until September 22 and people interested in taking part are encouraged to attend a consultation event or view the proposals on the Commonplace platform and share their feedback.

Events are at:

  • Duncombe Street Community House, September 2, 6pm to 8pm
  • Brunel Centre, September 11, 12pm to 3pm
  • West Bletchley Council Offices (Whaddon Way), September 15, 1pm to 4pm
  • South Central Institute of Technology, September 18, 10am to 2pm

Further events will be announced on the Commonplace platform. Following the consultation, the city council will produce a document detailing the feedback received and how it will be incorporated before construction starts next year.

Leader of Milton Keynes City Council Cllr Pete Marland said: “We’re making good progress to deliver a better future for Bletchley and Fenny Stratford.

“It’s absolutely vital that local people continue to be involved in helping shape these proposals. I encourage everyone with a connection to the area to have their say, so we can continue working together to bring real change that reflects the community’s ambitions.”

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