Girton College’s outline plans to build 405 university student rooms at its campus on the edge of Cambridge have been approved.

The college put forward an outline application to build the new accommodation off Huntingdon Road.

Concerns were raised by councillors at South Cambridgeshire District Council about the impact on the GP surgery and the sewage systems but were told discussions would continue to remedy these concerns.

The proposed rooms were based on an assessment that looked at its student accommodation needs over the next 25 to 30 years.

The plans also include a new sports pitch and the relocation of the tennis courts.

A new vehicle access point was also proposed to be created from Girton Road for deliveries.

At a planning meeting on June 14, a representative from the college, James Anderson, said: “Covid was the sole reason that we are bringing this back. We had got a project team in place and had started work just before covid struck.

“Because of covid we were unable to do the level of in person meetings and discussions required in an enterprise of this scale, also we were uncertain of the financial impact of covid on the college.

“It would be imprudent on us internally to proceed at that time, which is why we are coming back now with the plan.”

When a decision on the plans was put to a vote, despite concerns over the GP surgery, road traffic and water supply, a majority of councillors voted in favour to approve the application, subject to the application not being called in by the Secretary of State, due to it being contrary to the development plan.

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