AWE has submitted plans for a 45,000 sq m development at its Aldermaston site.

The full planning application to West Berkshire Council on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, is for a series of connected buildings known as The Hub.

It will occupy a 4.6-hectare site and house science, engineering, office and learning spaces in four bespoke wings, connected by a centralised corridor known as The Street, plus a stand-alone calibration building.

The Hub will include specialist laboratories, workshops, open-plan and cellular offices, collaborative meeting and breakout spaces, conference rooms, teaching and learning spaces, a skills academy and apprentice training areas.

There will also be eating areas, a gymnasium, occupational health, educational facilities and retail.

The scheme is part of a wider masterplan for the AWE which emanates from a 2005 Government commitment to support a nuclear deterrent. Around 1,300 people will work in the new development.

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