Kingston has released its Biodiversity Action Plan with its theme of ‘natural environment’.

Kingston’s Biodiversity Action Plan aims to safeguard and enhance the borough’s biodiversity in the face of climate change and to protect our wide range of fantastic green spaces along with over two thousand species that call Kingston home.

The plan highlights our commitment to local habitats and species and outlines the necessary actions to ensure their ongoing protection and improvement for future generations.

It also emphasises the importance of partnership, which is why we are creating a Biodiversity Partnership to work together and make a difference in protecting Kingston’s natural environment.

Councillor Ian Manders, portfolio holder for Climate Action and Sustainable Transport, said:

“It’s up to us to help our local natural environment thrive, and I hope you will support local action on tackling the climate and biodiversity crises. Working together, we can create a greener and more sustainable future.”

The Biodiversity Action Plan and executive summary are on the Kingston website.


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