Brent Council Planning Committee has approved the proposal to demolish the existing buildings on site and erect two buildings of up to ten storeys at 242-253 Ealing Road, Alperton, Wembley.

The redevelopment of the site to provide two buildings accommodating residential units, the use of the ground floor as a community use with additional affordable workspace at ground floor level, associated vehicular crossover, car and cycle parking spaces, refuse storage, amenity spaces, landscaping and associated works,

The two sites are vacant; however, they previously incorporated a MOT Centre, a former HSBC bank building, and the Plough Public House.

The basic form of the buildings would be for a broadly rectangular footprint, with small steps in form along the façade for articulation. On the ground floor of the northernmost building would be a community facility measuring 140sqm. On the ground floor of the southernmost building would be a 251sqm affordable workspace area and a car park.

Ancillary floor space, such as cycle stores and plant areas, would be mainly located at ground and mezzanine levels, with the refuse stores on the ground floor. Above this, there would be 31 residential units within the northernmost building and 57 residential units within the southernmost building, which would be a mix of one-, two-, and three-bedroom flats.

The building form is consistent throughout the structures, although the top storey of each building is set back to a greater degree than the floors below. The top storey of the northern block would have a 234.4 sqm communal terrace, with the southern block having a 280.05 sqm terrace, with 121.5 sqm provided on level nine of the roof terrace.

All flats are to be provided with a private balcony/terrace, offering residents their own outdoor space. In addition, the proposal includes the provision of additional rooftop communal gardens atop both buildings, enhancing the living experience and promoting a sense of community among the residents.

The developer is HKDD Properties Ltd, and the architects are Buckmaster Batcup Architects (BBA).


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