Brent Planning Committee has approved two towers of student blocks by the developer Regal London at the meeting on 13 December 2023 by four votes to three.

The proposal is for the erection of two purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) buildings up to 20 and 22 storeys with basement level connected at ground floor level by a podium together with ancillary communal facilities, internal and external communal amenity space, cycle parking, mechanical plant, hard and soft landscaping, new public realm, play space and other associated works.

The proposed scheme will open the railway lands parallel to High Road, Wembley, for the first time and provide safe and inclusive green space. The proposals for Wembley Greenway comprise 639 student beds across various bedroom typologies, including 10% accessible rooms. The development is proposed to be car-free and will include a new public realm with greenery, seating and play for use by all and a community studio rentable space.

Providing easy access to significant numbers of higher education campuses in London, Wembley Central Underground Station is less than a 10-minute walk from the site, with access to the Overground, Bakerloo and London Northwestern Lines. At the same time, the equally close Wembley Stadium Station offers access to the Chiltern Main Line, with regular fast trains to London Marylebone.

The architects are JTP.

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