At the Ealing planning meeting in September 2020, a radical proposal for the transformation of the Southall Sidings on the Crossrail route has been submitted for approval by the committee. Connected Living, a joint venture by Grainger plc and TFL, are proposing the project with the architects are Assael  to design for 460 build to rent (BTR) homes.

The application is for a residential re-development by Connected Living London (Southall) Ltd of a Crossrail yard site, partly occupied by a tenant artificial grass company, within the Southall Opportunity Area and forming part of a larger site allocated for redevelopment in London Borough of Ealing Development Sites DPD (2013) and the Ealing/Southall Gateway SPD (2015). Flanking a central access/amenity block, it will comprise three cluster blocks from 4 to 16 storeys, which are considered to be tall buildings in an area not specifically allocated for such.

The scheme represents an environmental improvement in design quality and will not cause significant adverse harm to neighbouring residents or the character or setting of heritage asssets. This high density scheme presents high design qualities. Daylight, sunlight and overshadowing as well as air quality impacts are assessed and found to be acceptable. The scheme comprises 460 Build to Rent flats in a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units. 40% of units by habitable rooms in the form of 49 Discount Market Rent at London Living Rent equivalent and 114 Discount Market Rent (at an average of 65% of open market rent) will be developed as affordable housing with the remaining 297 for Private Rent. In addition to residential amenity spaces, a new areas of open public space will enhance the Park Avenue frontage. New frontage and peripheral tree planting will replace over-mature, moderate/low value and generally unattractive trees.

The GLA strongly supports residential redevelopment. Representations from and on behalf of, local residents are reviewed and addressed. The objections however are not sufficient to outweigh the recommendation for approval. To conclude, this is a sustainable development in NPPF terms. On its merits, and in balancing the impacts and benefits in applying the Planning Balance, it is recommended that planning permission be granted with conditions, subject to completion of a Section 106 agreement and Stage 2 referral to the Mayor of London.

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