A reserved matters application for 136 homes has been submitted as part of the wider Cherry Hinton North.

The first residential phase for 351 homes gained reserved matters approval in April and the current application is a residential parcel in the Parkside Quarter on the far Western end of the masterplan.

The site of the 136 homes, 40 per cent of which will be affordable, will serve as the Western gateway to the wider development.

Cherry Hinton North is on the South-East edge of Cambridge, approximately two and a half miles South-East of Cambridge city centre. The masterplan gained outline planning approval in 2020 for 1,200 homes.

The Southern boundary of the site is adjacent to Coldhams Lane and to the east of the site is the Eastfields Weston Homes Development.

Plans for Cherry Hinton also include the incorporation of a green finger, a pocket park and scenic green land that extends to the adjacent Weston homes scheme.

The proposals represent the outcome of considerable pre-application engagement with relevant stakeholders.

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