Hammersmith Council has approved the redevelopment of the Fulham Cross Academy, including a new building and the refurbishment of the existing facilities.

The proposal is for the demolition of three existing buildings, including sports and dining blocks, re-modelling and refurbishment of remaining blocks, alongside the construction of a new building containing a sports and school dining hall with associated facilities, boundary treatments including amendments to the historic boundary wall to the southern edge, within the site, landscaping and ancillary works.

Works to the listed building to include reinstatement of western elevation following the demolition of block and connecting canopy, the addition of a new timber entrance door to match existing doors in the listed building, doing good works to the exterior and erection of 2.4m high weldmesh fencing and gate to west and south of the listed building.

The proposal gained unanimous support from the councillors on the committee.

The new buildings will take another positive step towards net zero and were welcomed by the committee.


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