Hillingdon council planning committee (9 November 2022) has approved the redevelopment of The Elms, which sits within the green belt off the High Street, Harlington.

The application is for the demolition of existing buildings and structures and redevelopment of the site to provide 2,116 sqm of flexible Class E(g)(iii), B2 and B8 use floorspace, and associated access, servicing areas, car parking and soft landscaping.

The existing structures had fallen into disrepair and included asbestos in the fabric. The older buildings had encroached further onto the green belt.

The applicant has submitted a revised proposal which has reduced the in-built uplift volume and relocated the buildings to within the area considered to be previously developed. The submitted LVIA demonstrates that this reduction has reduced the potential impact upon the openness of the Green Belt to a point where it is deemed limited. The proposal, therefore, meets exception (c) within para 194 of the NPPF (2021 ) and is considered appropriate development within the Green Belt. The scheme’s benefits are also considered to outweigh the limited harm upon openness.

The proposal also includes many elements that will bring the site up to date and improve its environmental impact and access to open spaces.


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