The Council’s ambitious Homes for Wandsworth programme will deliver over 1,000 new council-rent homes by 2029.

Over half of the programme will be completed and occupied in the next 12 months, and the Council aims to secure planning permissions for all of the new homes.

Aydin Dikerdem, cabinet member for housing, visited the site of the largest development in the programme: Randall Close in Battersea, which will deliver 106 council-rented homes.

Aydin Dikerdem said:

“Our Homes for Wandsworth programme isn’t just about bricks and mortar. We are prioritising people and communities by giving local residents and their families the opportunity to stay in the areas that they have grown up in.

“Every one of our council homes projects also renews and enhances local neighbourhoods. We’re putting in new roads and pavements, play spaces, gardens and landscaping – creating a sense of place and homes to be proud of.”

He added:

“Nothing is more important to building a good life than a safe, secure and stable place to call home. Our Homes for Wandsworth programme is one of the most ambitious council house building projects in London, and we are proud of what we are achieving.”

The Homes for Wandsworth programme is building a range of homes to suit various needs – this includes older residents looking to downsize, big family homes for those currently overcrowded, those who need wheelchair-accessible homes, and homes for those with additional needs.


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