In early July the Planning Committee for Richmond Council considered an application for a mixed-use development, creating 385 homes in a four-nine storey redevelopment on the Manor Road site. The site was acquired from British Land with Avanton and ICG-Longbow working in partnership to support the financing of the land deal.

Following consideration of all the representations and the officer’s report, the Committee recommended the application be turned down and refused on several grounds.

These included:

  • failure to deliver a maximum reasonable amount of affordable housing
  • the design and scale being visually intrusive, dominant and overwhelming
  • the quality of the proposed accommodation
  • the impact on surrounding properties

Planning regulation dictates that developments of 150 residential units or more, or over 30 metres in height, must be referred to the Mayor of London after the Council has made a decision.

Following the outcome of Richmond Council’s resolution to refuse planning permission for the scheme, the Mayor of London decided to use his powers to direct that he will become the local planning authority for the application.

The Mayor believes that this development is of nature or scale that would have a significant impact on the implementation of the London Plan policies on housing and affordable housing.

After the Mayor’s Direction, the Applicant submitted revisions to the GLA in November 2019, which were subject to consultation in December 2019 and January 2020.

In July 2020, the applicant made further amendments proposing the demolition of existing buildings and structures and comprehensive phased residential-led redevelopment of 4 to 11 storeys, to provide 453 residential units (of which 173 units will be affordable homes), flexible retail, community and office use, provision of car and cycle parking, landscaping, public and private open spaces and all other necessary enabling works.

Residents can now have their say in a consultation by the GLA on the revised application until 3 September 2020.

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