Notting Hill Genesis has submitted a planning application to the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, for the redevelopment of St Clare Business Park in Hampton Hill, to provide a mixed-use development. The planning meeting on the 9th December 2020 refused the proposal.
St Clare Business Park is currently occupied by light industry. The existing buildings on-site date back to the 1970s and 1980s and are no longer fit for use. Redevelopment of the site presents an opportunity to provide new homes and commercial space to complement the surrounding area and contribute to the borough’s housing targets. Richmond have a record of upholding the plan and refusing housing development on industrial land despite the shortfall in available land for housing and meeting their targets.
The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames’ Local Plan Policy (New Housing) states that the borough’s target is 3,150 homes between 2015 and 2025. From 2019-2029, this target is set to increase with the adoption of the new London Plan in 2020. The proposed scheme will contribute significantly towards housing delivery by providing:
- 112 new homes, including 50% affordable homes for Shared Ownership and London Affordable Rent
- A mix of townhouses and apartments, including one, two- and three-bedroom homes. All homes will have private amenity space in the form of balconies or gardens
- 1,494sqm of high quality, flexible commercial space for office, research and workshop uses
- 125 car parking spaces including a new car club space and electrical charging points
- 232 residential and commercial cycle parking spaces and 12 short stay spaces
- New trees, a podium garden, landscaping and play space
- A new high-quality pedestrian and vehicle entrance on Windmill Road, creating a new safe pedestrian link through the site for the community
- Extensive greening and biodiversity uplift throughout the site including green and brown roofs.
Since March 2018, an extensive programme of community involvement and consultation has been undertaken for the scheme, which included three public exhibitions as well as meetings with local residents, councillors and community stakeholders. Early consultation was carried out on the key principles, which have been refined throughout the process.
Notting Hill Genesis is one of London’s largest housing associations and registered provider of social housing, managing more than 65,000 homes in London and the South East. At St Clare, we are committed to providing high-quality, affordable homes that meet the needs of local people. We will maintain a long-term presence at St Clare, managing the new homes, commercial buildings and surrounding landscaped spaces.
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