Pinewood Studios , the home of James Bond movies and many more, is currently consulting on the proposal for the  “The Screenhub UK,” a 750,000 sq ft global film centre. The Hub comprises an international film-inspired visitor attraction; an expansion of studio production space; education and business growth hubs; all set within a green campus. Located just 2.6 km from neighbouring Hillingdon the consultation has come to the attention of their planning department.

Hillingdon Council planning has proposed the following formal objection for an out of borough development.

“The London Borough of Hillingdon objects to the application which is an inappropriate development within a large area of the Green Belt requiring very special circumstances to be robustly justified. There is insufficient information demonstrating the proposal would not result in an adverse impact on the local highway network.

“It is requested that a decision is not made on the application under ref: PL/20/3280/OA until further detail is provided in respect of highways impact and the London Borough of Hillingdon is consulted on the additional information provided.”

More details about the Screenhub can be found here:

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