Plans for 570 flats to replace Napier Court in Reading went on show last week at a consultation by Peveril Securities and Sladen Estates, ahead of submission of a planning application.  

The event at Thames Lido, just across Napier Road from the scheme, attracted councillors, businesses and members of the public.

The site is allocated for housing in the Reading Local Plan 2019, and plans include the demolition of the existing three office buildings, and construction of a row of new 11-storey buildings consisting of studio, one, two and three-bedroom apartments.

Facilities for residents will include a lounge, gym and workspace, together with a small retail unit at ground floor level. New public realm will front onto Napier Road. Just 56 parking spaces will be provided.

Rachel Wood, managing director of Sladen Estates, said: “We were pleased by the attendance from the local community at our recent public consultation event, as well as being joined by members of the council and local organisations.

“The project team has worked hard to ensure the scheme represents a truly sustainable development that enhances the surrounding area and provides much needed new homes.

“Peveril Securities and Sladen Estates welcome the feedback received and are committed to listening carefully to residents to ensure the plans deliver the best possible scheme for Reading.”


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