Brent have approved a development by Regal Wembley Ltd for five highly sustainable buildings, delivering 759 new residential units, flexible retail workspace and storage, private and communal amenity space, car parking, cycle parking and new landscaped greenspace.

The plans include:

  • 759 carefully designed new homes of which 35 per cent will be affordable by habitable room
  • Delivery of a range of housing sizes including 78 (three plus bed) family units, resulting in a truly mixed and balanced community within this part of the Wembley Opportunity Area
  • Creation of up to 232 permanent jobs once the development becomes operational, together with the delivery of local training and construction apprenticeship opportunities through the construction phase
  • Strong ground floor offering with flexible retail and commercial units creating activity and high footfall along this part of Fulton Road
  • 4,300sq metres of new public realm delivered across the brook edge, series of individual character areas along the site perimeter, together with the creation of additional communal amenity spaces within the upper roof terraces and at podium level
  • Circa 2,700 sq metres GIA of flexible commercial, employment and logistic workspace being delivered which can be subdivided in response to tenant requirements and future market needs, whether this be small businesses, local start-ups or more traditional logistic operators
  • Creation of site-wide ecological enhancements and delivery of a new wildlife corridor/widened public access along Wealdstone Brook
  • 3,180 sq metres of new play space on site

Approval was given on the 24th March 2022 including the demolition of existing buildings at Euro House, Fulton Road, Wembley.

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