The Royal Institute of British Architects and Richmond upon Thames named Hopkins Architects as the preferred bidder for the Twickenham Riverside Design Competition on Tuesday 12 November.

All five architect submissions were evaluated against the pre-published criteria to establish their final mark. The architect with the highest mark is the Council’s preferred bidder. The Council intends to award the contract to the preferred bidder and so will enter into contract negotiations with them. However, if this is not possible for legal or financial reasons, the Council may then negotiate with its runner up bidder.

Approval to award the design contract will be made at the February Finance, Policy and Resources Committee. Until the approval is given and appointment finalised, the architects remain our preferred bidder.

The decision to appoint the preferred bidder will be ratified by the Finance, Policy and Resources Committee in January, after which the official confirmation of their appointment will be made. The Committee will also be asked to approve the funding to take the project forward.

After January, and the completion of the competition process, we will work with the architect team and consultants to do technical and detailed design working towards a planning application in autumn/winter 2020.

The Council will engage with residents at appropriate stages during the process and a Local Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG) has been established to formalise our engagement with the various community groups and organisations in Twickenham with an interest in the Riverside site. Membership of the SRG may expand as is deemed necessary to include representation from less-heard groups as the design develops.

There will also be a formal period of consultation in the lead up to the submission of a planning application once a detailed design has been established.

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