Wandsworth Council Planning Committee has refused the proposal for the next Springfield Village development phase because of inadequate traffic management plans and a negative impact on the Metropolitan Open Land (MOL). 

The proposal was full planning for the following: Demolition (in severable phases) of all existing buildings and structures, including the Diamond Estate, the Shaftesbury and the Morrison Building, and the comprehensive redevelopment (in severable phases) of the site to provide a total of 449 residential units of both private and affordable tenure in four apartment blocks ranging from three to five storeys high and nine three- storey townhouses; associated private and communal amenity space including balconies and gardens, 48 car parking spaces (including 13 disabled bays) and 817 cycle parking spaces; together with associated works including landscaping and public realm works, including extension to the existing landscaped public park, creation of new access route from Lapidge Drive into the site, and provision of a new link to Streatham Cemetery.

The objections raised by members of the committee were challenged by the council’s legal advisor, ensuring that the reasons for refusal would be robust in the face of an inevitable appeal or being overruled by the GLA.

The advice was clear that the land in question was previously developed, so ‘special circumstances’ did not apply.

The members of the public attending applauded the decision, which may only be a short-term gain, with a referral to the GLA inevitable.


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