Plans have been submitted for 84 homes at Fanshawe Road in Cambridge.

Cambridge Investment Partnership (CIP) a joint venture between the city council and Hill Investment Partnerships, has submitted proposals to the city council for a scheme of 39 open market homes and 45 affordable, which will be built to Passivhaus-equivalent performance levels.

A total of 76 of the homes will be apartments arranged in four blocks with a further eight houses on the eastern and western boundaries of the site. This includes four wheelchair-accessible homes for council tenants.

Cllr Gerri Bird, executive councillor for housing and homelessness for Cambridge City Council and CIP board member, said: “It is important that we provide new developments across the city that are socially inclusive, diverse, and cohesive with a mixture of homes that reflect the needs of people from different ages and abilities along with the council’s housing requirements.

“At the same time, as a council, we must balance financial viability, the likelihood of successful grant applications from Homes England, and development costs over a 10-year housing programme. This proposed development will provide us with further funds that the partnership can reinvest into the programme to deliver more new homes across the city.”

Tom Hill, managing director for The Hill Group, said: “We have gone through extensive consultation with the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service and the local community to reach this point and are delighted to be submitting this planning application.

“In addition to providing high-quality new homes, we will be enriching the open space with a new play area and amenities that families can enjoy, alongside creating a green corridor with enhanced links between Fanshawe Road and the Coleridge Recreation Ground.”

The scheme will replace 30 1950s apartments which includes 20 council properties.

It aims to achieve a 35 per cent biodiversity net gain through a landscaping design that incorporates varied trees and wildflowers.

Pedestrian and cycle routes through the development aim to encourage sustainable travel and there will be secure cycle parking and EV charging points.

To address the city’s water shortage, passive saving measures will be put in place, designed to create more efficient flow of water to taps, showers and toilets, with the aim of there being an average of 99 litres usage per person, per day.

The team on the project includes Carter Jonas on planning, Mole on architecture and QODA as sustainability consultant.

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