Commercial and community organisations now have until August 12 to submit bids for the historic former library in Mill Road, Cambridge after the deadline was extended.

Cambridgeshire County Council has brought the bidding timescale into line with the requirements of the Asset of Community Value (ACV) period which allows a total of six months.  The process is being managed by the city council.

It follows the collapse of a deal in which the building was to become a charity head office.

The vacant Victorian Grade II-listed building was registered as an ACV following representations from the community. It closed as a library in 1996 and has been used by a number of community groups since then.

Cllr Ros Hathorn, chair of Cambridgeshire County Council’s assets and procurement committee, said: “There has been a lot of interest in this iconic building in the local area. In the spirit of the ACV process, we want to allow everyone the full ACV timeframe – six months, so best and final bids for everyone will now be 12 August, when the ACV moratorium ends. We hope this allows the community and commercial organisations time to submit their bids.

“The committee will consider environmental and social considerations, as well as the financial offer when reviewing the bids. We look forward to finding a new guardian for this listed building.”

The bids will be assessed and considered by councillors at the assets & procurement committee later in the year.

The brochure can be downloaded at:

Image: Former Free Library, Mill Road, Cambridge by Jim Osley, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

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