A planning application has been submitted to Dacorum Borough Council to build 43 new homes between Aylesbury and Hemel.

Homes England and Cala Homes Chiltern have submitted the proposal for a 1.99-acre site near Bovingdon, which was previously part of the Green Belt but was removed following its identification as a local allocation for the development of new housing.

It follows pre-application discussions with council officers and stakeholders including Bovingdon Parish Council and local residents.

The proposed development comprises a mix of types of homes and a 40 per cent proportion of affordable homes.

Properties will be primarily two-storeys in height with an element of 2.5-and three-storeys to add interest.

New tree planting is planned throughout the scheme to enhance the street scene and ensure the provision of a strong, defensible boundary to the countryside and Green Belt beyond.

The application states the site represents a ‘long-standing allocation for much needed residential development in a sustainable location’.

Land director at Cala Homes Chiltern Jim Brunt, said: “We are passionate about creating vibrant, sustainable developments that become part of the communities in which they are built.

“The proposed homes for Bovingdon will help to address the local housing demand while the generous new areas of open space and the play area will meet the recreational needs of existing and future residents.”

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