A three-storey research and development building in Cheddars Lane, east side of Cambridge, has been approved by the city council.

CCC’s planning committee approved the plan to replace dilapidated buildings on the site with the new development at its October 4 meeting.

The new building has been designed to avoid being overbearing on the nearby homes.

A representative of the developer, GRC Camprop Eleven Ltd, told councillors the development was intended to be car free and said it would create additional job space, which there was ‘significant demand’ for.

Councillors heard soft landscaping will significant biodiversity net gain. The development includes a mixture of green and blue roofs and seeks BREEAM Excellent.

Concerns were raised by a neighbour about the potential increased number of people travelling to the area and that they and others had been approached to buy their properties.

However the development gained unanimous approval from the councillors.

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