The final hurdle has been cleared for Oxford City Council’s Local Plan.

The plan, found to be sound by the Planning Inspector last month, went before the full council on Monday, June 8 and was formally adopted.

Cllr Alex Hollingsworth, cabinet member for planning and housing delivery, said: “Monday’s vote is the culmination of years of hard work and extensive consultation with residents and stakeholders to help ensure a successful future for the city we live in, work in and love.  

“Our new Local Plan determines how we will deliver the new homes, jobs, community facilities and infrastructure that Oxford needs over the next 16 years.

“It includes nearly 11,000 new homes within city boundaries, ambitious carbon reduction plans and providing high quality jobs within local communities – not just the city centre.

At the same time, we aim to preserve the things that make Oxford special now, from our world famous heritage to our network of parks, green spaces and waterways.

“The Local Plan needs to respect our city’s past even as it shapes its future. That is what we are setting out to achieve and I’m very pleased we’ve agreed to adopt the 2036 Local Plan.”

By Chensiyuan – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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