Richmond Council has been informed that, due to circumstances beyond the Planning Inspector’s control, the public inquiry for the Stag Brewery will not open on Wednesday, May 29, as planned.  

The Stag Brewery page will be updated as soon as a revised start date is known. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Reselton Properties Ltd has appealed against the Council’s non-determination of the following application proposals at The Former Stag Brewery, Lower Richmond Road, London SW14 7ET.

There are two appeals to be considered:

Appeal A

  • 22/0900/OUT – Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/L5810/W/24/3339060

Appeal A relates a hybrid application to include:

  • Demolition of existing buildings (except the Maltings and the façade of the Bottling Plant and former Hotel), walls, associated structures, site clearance and groundworks to allow for the comprehensive phased redevelopment of the site
  • Detailed application for the works to the east side of Ship Lane, which comprise:


    • A: Alterations and extensions to existing buildings and erection of buildings varying in height from three to nine storeys plus a basement of one to two storeys below ground to allow for residential apartments; flexible use floorspace for retail, financial and professional services, café/restaurant and drinking establishment uses, offices, non-residential institutions and community use and boathouse; Hotel / public house with accommodation; Cinema and Offices
    • B: New pedestrian, vehicle and cycle accesses and internal routes, and associated highway works
    • C: Provision of on-site cycle, vehicle and servicing parking at surface and basement level
    • D: Provision of public open space, amenity and play space and landscaping
    • E: Flood defence and towpath works
    • F: Installation of plant and energy equipment
  • Outline application, with all matters reserved for works to the west of Ship Lane, which comprise:
    • A: The erection of a single-storey basement and buildings varying in height from two to eight storeys
    • B: Residential development
    • C: Provision of on-site cycle, vehicle and servicing parking
    • D: Provision of public open space, amenity and play space and landscaping
    • E: New pedestrian, vehicle and cycle accesses and internal routes, and associated highways works

Appeal B

  • 22/0902/FUL – Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/L5810/W/24/3339062

Appeal B relates to erecting a three-storey building to provide a new secondary school with sixth form; sports pitch with floodlighting, external MUGA and play space; and associated external works, including landscaping, car and cycle parking, new access routes and other related works.

The Secretary of State appointed an Inspector (Glen Rollings) to hold a public inquiry to determine these appeals.


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