The team behind Thames Tap has launched an exclusive programme for a major free online event next month.

Building on the regular coverage of news and views across The Arc and Thames Valley regions in our newsletters, UK Property Forums has put on UK Prop Fest webinar, a virtual event on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 15 and 16. It will feature six topical sessions across the two days, each focussed on a significant issue relevant to these key UK regions.

One of the sessions is the final of the OxPropFest 2020 Awards which was due to be held at Keble College in April.

More than 20 speakers have been confirmed to talk over the two days including Dr David Prout, Pro-Vice Chancellor at the University of Oxford; Alistair Lomax, Director at Arc Universities; Emma Southall-Sander, Cluster Manager, Harwell Campus; Will Gompertz, BBC Arts Editor; Veronica Reynolds, Sustainable Travel Advisor, Milton Park (MEPC).

UK Property Forums Managing Director and founder, Matthew Battle, said: “Designing the programme has been really challenging, given the limitations of the marketplace, but also very rewarding, given the new landscape which companies are now working in.”

Nick Patterson-Neild, partner at Barton Willmore, which has teamed up with us to support the event, said: “I’m delighted to be involved with the UK Prop Fest webinar, particularly given the challenges we are facing this Autumn.

“Equally though, the changes to the planning system, heralded through the White Paper, provide the development industry with a huge collective opportunity to support growth and renewal that will drive the future prosperity of the Thames Valley.”

Additional partners for the webinar include Jansons, SEGRO and Stantec.

Tickets can be booked via this link:

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